All in one place
Connecting securities finance and collateral counterparties, trading venues, tri-party agents, regulatory reporting platforms and data vendors worldwide. Automating over USD 3 trillion in transactions per day across the full securities finance life cycle.
Our role in the marketplace
Every day over 150 financial institutions and service providers, including 25 of the 30 global systemically important banks (G-SIBs), use Pirum's automation and connectivity solutions for best-in-class processing efficiency and global connectivity, and to facilitate regulatory compliance.
+$3 trillion in transactions per day
Pirum delivers increased operational efficiency, control and transparency
An interoperable and open automation hub, with global and real-time connectivity across the securities finance ecosystem.
Risk Management
Increased control and oversight via resilient and cutting-edge technology solutions for managing the full trade life cycle.
Regulatory compliance
Improved regulatory capabilities via automated reporting and full transparency across pre-/post-trade and collateral management life cycles.
Outstanding reputation
24 years of innovative product development, as a trusted and leading securities finance and collateral management technology partner.
Product spotlight: Pirum TradeConnect
Our mission
To automate the full securities finance trade life cycle and connect industry participants globally, for improved client profitability and a more liquid, transparent and sustainable industry.
Speak to a team member
Pirum’s innovative designs and focus on customer service have led to multiple industry awards over the years, most recently winning the ISF 2020 Global Post Trade Service Provider of the Year award. Please reach out and a member of our team will be happy to discuss your business needs.